Saturday, June 8, 2019

The Write Stuff

The best thing about blogging is that now you're part of a distinguished profession.  You're a published writer. You know, like Bob Woodward, Shakespeare, Sam Clemens, Tom Jefferson, Martin Luther, and Maureen Doud. Whether people read your narrative or not is irrelevant; if you say you're a writer and you string words together then stop them with a period, you're a writer.

So I will continue blogging, sending my complete sentences out into the ether for the enjoyment of intellectually advanced blog followers or those who feel superior making fun of the stumbling presumptions of would-be Pulitzer prize winners.

I'm going to focus a series of future blogs on the state of Oregon (home of my birth).  Taking my bachelor's degree in History at the University of Oregon under the guiding scrutiny of my major professor, Ed Bingham, I read a lot about my home state and found much that was unique, interesting, and inspirational about this Land of the Empire Builders.  Maybe you, too, will agree that Oregon is a special place.The writers of the TV series, Portlandia said it was where young people come to retire.

I will write about some of the people who made this place the way it is. So stay tuned and grease your axels as we get ready to hit the Oregon Trail.