If you ever imagined you had an original thought it probably wasn't. Consider all the creatures who have ever lived on this earth who could pass the classification test of being human. Now suppose you could give name to and list all the thoughts all those individuals have had in their lifetime. Whoeeeeee. That's a lot of thoughts, Pilgrim. So let's play a little game: Guess who claims to have first thought the following:
Given that nearly half the citizens of the USA believe President Trump to be an inspired leader, who first thought people don't need facts to support belief? Give up? Julius Caesar, 74 (approximately) B.C. said, "Men willingly believe what they wish." Somebody before Julius might have had the same thought (and probably did) but didn't have an army and followers who wrote down everything he said.
Who first thought accumulating great wealth doesn't guarantee great happiness? No, not Bill Gates.
Socrates. 459 B.C. "Having the fewest wants, I am nearest to the gods."
Who first thought, if it were not for my compulsion to devote my life to helping others to be successful and constantly sharing my acquired financial resources with those in need, I would be a wealthy, serene, senior citizen, basking in the loving adoration of all whose lives I have touched?
Yes. William Landers, November 1, 2019.