Monday, June 13, 2022

Perilous Roads

 As the Biblical Apostle Paul learned while traveling on the road to Damascus,  there are sometimes pot holes and perils along the way.  He was beaten with rods and stabbed by Gentiles so you just couldn't call it a fun outing for him. I felt Paul's pain on a recent journey of my own from my apartment in Russellville to the Gateway Shopping Center.  It is just short of a mile and I try to walk there every day even though I usually don't buy anything.  It's all about exercise in my attempt to maintain my Adonis-like body. 

While on that walk I had a frightening encounter with a deranged woman who, I believe, mistook me for one of her ex-husbands.  The poor dear had been down some hard hiways and taken serious hits leaving her with a dental inventory of three.  And there was a definite limp in her mobility.  She came rushing toward me, screaming obscenities while recalling various unforgivable transgressions in our previous relationship.  Both claw-like hands were wind-milling toward my face and I managed to stop them by shoving the shopping bag I was carrying into her face. That held her off momentarily.

The last thing I wanted to do was get into physical combat with Crazy Cathy, so I made a tactical retreat into the speeding traffic on 102nd Avenue, waving my arms in a "PLEASE STOP" signal.  It worked,  Both north bound and south bound lanes slowed to a stop as I sprinted to the other side of the street.  She didn't follow.  I'm pretty sure she wasn't an ex-wife.

You can appreciate my choice to be run over by an eighteen-wheeler rather than mixing it up with Crazy Cathy.  I'm certain the Apostle Paul never had to contend with anything like that on his way to Damascus.  At least if he did,  it didn't make it to the King James Version of the Bible.