Sunday, April 26, 2020

Don't Look

Watching TV can be harmful to your sense of well being. That's not an original observation but it is a true one. Here I see this live report from Wuhan, China, the site many experts believe to be the source of the coronavirus from its wet markets.  "Wet" is a euphemism for blood and the picture I saw of a worker cutting up body parts of some animal in this massive tub of blood was enough to drive one to carrots, cabbage and kale.

And so the killer virus.  It's difficult to dismiss the suggestion that this is just evidence that nature has always sought balance for species over-populating themselves.  COVID-19 is selective in its spread to those who have serious health issue as well as those who have become old. Isn't that the logical way to thin the herd?

Too few of our leaders are blessed with the gift of critical thinking. They could learn from this pandemic that among their fellow human beings we have lost, thousands should not have been selected for disposal. There is no cure for getting old but we all accept that as a firm life rule.  But social inequities that lead to many of the health conditions that make the person vulnerable to the virus can be corrected.  How we achieve fair and equal governance should be as important as finding that serum that will foil this edition of the plague.

My reading of history is not encouraging for belief this latest viral attack will make any lasting course correction in the pursuit for a more humane society. But all we can do is try while always taking care to follow that guiding principle: Illegitimi non carborundum (Mock-Latin for:"Don't let the bastards wear you down".)

1 comment:

Sister Mary said...

So happy to see you back!! Keep it up