Sunday, May 24, 2020

The New Normal

Sitting on my couch I dozed off while watching a rerun of Singing In The Rain and experienced the most vivid...I guess you'd call it a dream, instructing me how to prepare for the future after Coronavirus.  I knew I had better write down the instructions because I don't trust my memory.

Here is what I did as instructed:  cut a tea bag open and dumped the contents into a cup.  Added a  pinch of hair from my recent self-given haircut (retrieved from the rug), then 3 TRUTH BUDS purchased from the country fair in Eugene, Oregon in 1974. I boiled water from the bucket of collected rainfall on my balcony and poured it into the cup.  After two hours I drained the water  and spread the mixture on a baking sheet where I shaped it to look like the Andromeda galaxy.

You may find this hard to believe but it is absolutely true even though trying to describe it is difficult.  When I viewed the baking sheet of dried tea leaves the next morning the spiral galaxy had taken the form of a cursive The Prince, suggesting to me I should take my volume of The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli, published in 1532, and lay it open on the table. Something moved the pages, perhaps a breeze from the wings of a butterfly in some far off sylvan glade, and this passage seemed to glow on a page: Nations and individuals will always do what is best for their own self interest.  

Now doesn't that suck?  The freaking new normal is going to be just like the old normal.  And pretty much the same as the normal back there in 1532. Who said The past is prologue?

1 comment:

Buck Winston said...

Please let me know what you take or inhale or drink before you go to sleep.
I'm tired (pun intended) of dreaming about driving like a maniac to get to "Senior Shopping Hours"(7 to 9 AM Tues and Thurs) at our local Albertson's and finding nothing but empty shelves.
I'd welcome anything, dark or enlightening or both, different in slumberland. Share your meds.