Friday, July 17, 2020

The Face of Safe

In every historical decade there is opportunity for creating a solution to what 99.99% of your fellow voyagers haven't yet realized is a problem. The prescient opportunist is then rewarded with fame and fortune.  "What if I could pick up a device at the Happy Hour Bar & Grill and tell you I was working late at the office?" Alexander Graham Bell said to his wife. "What's new about that?" she replied.  But Alex saw the future and he owned it. Just as Orville Wright did.  And Bill Gates. And Steve Jobs.

Like those visionaries, I've seen the future but my opportunity to get there has been roadblocked by the Grim Reaper. So I'm handing off my insight to whomever wants to seize the brass ring and throw it in the slot.

Think face masks.  The current pandemic we are experiencing is just a shot across our bow.  New and improved coronas are in Mother Nature's pipeline and always will be so the future opportunity is how to confront that reality with a creative solution.  That is, make the face mask a fashion statement that will become as important to the individual as his/her other clothing, underwear and outerwear.  Forget that thing that hangs on your ears or drops a plastic shield down from a headband.  Think total head conversion with a helmet that when worn covers everything from your neck upward. It won't be cheap but it will be a must-have device with a patent worth $billions. You will go to a salon to have your faceshield (get a copyright on faceshield) designed and fitted. Much high concept research and development is required here but everything is doable now or could be with engineering.

A mould of your head will be created in ubiquitous Headquarters Salons with whatever equipment is required.  Simulated skin needs to be developed and the client can choose tan coloring or any other tones desired.  Natural blemishes away.  Hair to clients specification like any wig construction.  More high tech development for air vents, filtered with openings from the back.  The faceshield will be designed in two parts for ease in putting it on and taking it off.  The front and back sections will be joined by a new-easy-to-use, sealing system.  Identification chips in the headpiece will be a requirement.

The eye holes will be prescription ground if necessary and fit over nose like glasses.

Voice and hearing is technically enhanced when face is closed.

So lots of research and development would be required to make this work but concerns about safety from the virus is the future reality.   

No, no, don't thank me. Just take my idea and buy yourself a yacht.