Friday, July 31, 2020

The House Buys A Round

Recalling my brilliance in winning the gown order at Glide High School triggered another memory of the Glide High School Principal, Norm Bergstrom. Years after the gown incident, Norm retired and bought a small motel south of Roseburg, Oregon.  One day Georgann and I got a late start from Portland on a trip to visit relatives in Grants Pass and south of Portland I realized we couldn't make it to southern Oregon before late night, I suggested it might be fun to stop for overnight at Norm's motel.  I hadn't seen him in years. 

Norm was working the reception desk when we checked in and he was delighted to see me.  He invited us to come back for cocktails after we got settled in and we found his living quarters behind the office to be large and nicely furnished. Norm introduced us to his wife and took drink orders.  Georgann would have preferred wine but none was offered so we both chose mixed drinks.

We talked about old times in the school house and I asked Norm how he was enjoying retirement in the motel business. "Bill," he said, "Life is good for Alice and me because we can handle everything needed in the small number of units we have.  I'll tell you one good side benefit; we never have to buy liquor because people are always leaving partially filled bottles in their room.


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