Sunday, December 19, 2021

Rus'vil''Echo 12/18/'21

 As a resident in the Russellville Park retirement community,  I am privy to much of what’s happening in this remarkable encampment of citizens who have stepped back from playing the role of slave to the the dictates of a clock and now march (however slowly) to the  cadence of their own drum.

What a crew. Take Bob who once ran a maximum security state prison in New Jersey and once a week, in the evening, would walk alone among the inmates. These were not choir- boys. Or Rodney who spent his working life among archival treasures, including those of the New York Public Library.  Or Lou the one-time California state patrolman who would chase you down at 100 miles an hour and run you into the ditch if you didn’t pull over. Then smile and wish you a really nice day as he handed you your summons. Or Betty who is 102 and will sprinkle an expletive or two in telling you about her adventures in San Fransisco during WWII.

And on and on. This place is full of residents with great stories.  Which results, if you keep your ears open, in entertaining eavesdropping.

Lady seated at a table for lunch greeting her approaching friend: “ Hi, I see you found your teeth.”

“Oh, look, is that the new woman from the fifth floor?”

“Which woman?”

“That one, with the grey hair”

“Well, you’ve narrowed it down to 50.  Thanks.”

Diner to server who has just delivered a plate of food to him: “What’s that supposed to be?”

Server: “Not sure, but there’s a lot more of it in the kitchen.”

Mary Barrett greets a new resident: Hi,  my name’s Mary, welcome to Russellville.”

“Hello, Mary, my name is Ruth”

                       (They chat)

Ruth: “I’m sorry, I forgot your name.”

“My name is Mary, Ruth”

“Your name is Mary Ruth?”

“No, Ruth, my name is Mary.”

That’s the news from Russellville.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Absolutely hilarious keep them coming๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚❤