Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Don't Ask For Whom the Gurney Rolls

The gurney rolls for thee.

We, the residents of Russellville Park, are familiar with the sight of that brightly painted van and its pilot-fish fire engine arriving with its discretely silenced siren.  Many of us here have had occasion to be the honored guest rider in that specially equipped limo, and so it touches a compassionate chord when we see it. Remember that clueless ditty we sang as kids:

"Did you ever think as the hearse goes by
And maybe someday you and I
Would take a ride in the same old hack
And we wouldn't be thinking of coming back."

And on and on.

Add ambulance riding to your list of aging joys.

All the people we consult with about our shared situation tell us over and over: don't fall down. But sometimes we do fall down and here comes the gurney. Or lots of other events have the same result and away we go.  Word of mouth spreads the name of the latest rider.

We are fortunate to have the highly professional caregivers who transport us to the medical facility that will take care of whatever is ailing us.  With their tubes and wires they know their business.  But my plan does not include calling on them for transportation.  I think I will just catch #15 over to Gateway Transit Center and then hop aboard #19, which has a stop right at the Providence ER. Must remember to take my wallet.

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