Monday, January 20, 2020

Train Talk

Waiting for your MAX train to arrive, you might take the time to read a posting inviting riders to observe certain courtesies to make everyone's trip more enjoyable.  Down the list is one that states:  Do not speak in a loud voice that would disturb other riders.

Going home on the Blue Line, crowded  car, late afternoon.  Two men, middle forties, in heated argument.  Loud.

Fat guy (FG): If you'd listen more and talk less it would make you smarter.

Skinny guy (SG): Oh, right.  Listening to you would make a post dumber.

FG: Whenever I'm telling you something, you talk right over the top of what I'm saying.

SG: Listen to yourself sometime and you'll hear why.

FG: That does it...I say something and you give me three paragraphs. (Turns and works his way toward rear of car.)

SG: That's it...go find two or three people who'll get up and make room for you to sit down.

Amused looks on faces of many riders, including mine.

1 comment:

Sister Mary said...

To quote Jeffrey, brillant!